Welcome to Training Fido

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Days and Holidays

My dogs, Ami and Maggie, and a friend and her two dogs, Dawid and Bennie, and I am leaving for a short holiday today! Just have to quickly update my blogs. Can't wait!!! We are going to a beautiful guest farm close to Pearly Beach. We are renting a small cottage on the farm and are planning to just relax, play games and enjoy the dogs and all of God's creation.
The cottage is situated on the banks of a large farm dam - I'm sure the dogs, especially Ami, is going to love that.

If you take your dogs with you on holiday, please remember the following:
1. make sure they are protected against fleas and ticks.
2. always have enough water with you
3. that they have their name tags on
4. keep them on leash in public areas so they won't bother other people
5. take enough plastic bags to clean up after your dogs.

If you don't take them with you,
1. Make sure they are well taken care of by someone responsible or
2. Book them into a reputable kennels.

And remember to visit my web site: http://www.dogtrainingtipsforfree.com

Enjoy your holidays, have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2009!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dog Training - Step by Step

That is the name of my brandnew blog: http://dog-training-step-by-step.blogspot.com/ . Make sure to give it a visit especially if you are new at dog training. Like the name says, I give step-by-step instructions on how to train your dog. Dog training has never been so easy! You will also see a picture of my very beautiful little baby Border Collie, Maggie.

So please do yourself a favour and visit my blog:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dog Training - Simplified

By Cary Benjamin
The benefits of being a dog owner a huge, and if you're a dog owner, I'm absolutely positive you already know this. Unfortunately, the biggest difficulties faced by dog owners are usually dealing with disobedient dogs. It can lead to some harsh feelings between owner and dog, create stress in the owner, family and friends. Fortunately, it can all be avoided and a loving, long lasting relationship can be cultured with some very simple techniques.
If someone were to sum up dog training into a very quick summary, it would be to treat the dog as a person, instead of like an animal. Even though the animal is born with certain characteristics, behaviors, and instincts that are unchangeable, they are still able to listen to directions, and like humans, be conditioned to react to stimuli in a different manner. Too many people look at instincts and behaviors as unchangeable aspects of a dog, but instead, they're usually just responses to a certain situation.
Instead of searching for a toy, whistle, special signal, collar, or anything else along those lines, start searching for the reason the dog is doing what they're doing, then start looking at what your response is to that cause.
For instance, if a dog jumps up on you, they're doing it because they want attention. Too many dog owners just don't think about it that way. Then, look at how that action is rewarded. Is the dog rewarded with more attention, reinforcing the action? I would be willing to bet it is. Instead, bring the dog down (or let them come down themselves), then give them attention after they are down. In no time, the dog will stop jumping up.

To find more useful tips on how to quickly train your dog to listen to anything they say, Click Here.
Discover how a revolutionary dog trainer used a breakthrough dog training method to quickly calm 2 ex-fight dogs! Visit
http://www.dogobediencesystem.com and see for yourself how you can use this exact same system to get your dog to listen to your every word.
Article Source:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Getting traffic to your blogs
I've found a good web directory where you can submit your blog's url for free to get more targeted traffic. Here it is:
Pets Blog Directory
There are links to other catogories.
Dog Training Basics

This is the name of my new website, that I finished today! Please visit my site often because you will some very usefull information, tips and secrets on how to train a dog successfully. And it will be updated regularly, adding new articles from the best dog trainers in the world. Visit http://www.dogtrainingtipsforfree.com/ . You will be glad you did.

In any discipline it is very wise to often go back to the basics. Dog training is no different. It is essential to lay a good foundation. The above mentioned website gives an overview of the basics that are needed in dog training. Anyone can be a good dog trainer and any dog can be trained! But, it takes effort, consistency, planning, knowledge and patience. Enjoy your dog training! And enjoy your dog!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Helpful Labrador Training Tips
By Richard Cussons

If you want to have a dependable and obedient Labrador, then Labrador training should not be taken for granted for it is only through proper Labrador training that you can truly enjoy having a Labrador Retriever as an additional member of your family. Despite their reputation as a very mellow pets, Labradors can be quite problematic if not handled and trained properly.
To help Labrador owners with their Labrador training, below are some tips useful to achieve successful Labrador training:
The alpha position in the pack.
Having descended from wolves, dogs thrive in packs. In wild settings, the strongest one often assumes the leadership role. But since they are in family setting, you must convince your Lab of the people pack, and you as the owner must assume the role of the alpha, the leader of the pack. Failure to do so would mean losing control over your four-legged friend.
Before the basic.
Labrador training should start early, about a week or two after a puppy is born. This early training however, doesn't involve training the basic commands such as sit, stay and so on. Training at this stage of a puppy's life should focus on simple associations and later on socialization when the puppy is around three weeks old. Socialization period includes social investigation, playful fighting and playful sexual behavior. These things are essential to help puppy develop social relationship as he grows.
The basic training.
At around eight weeks of age, puppies can start learning the basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, down or come. Other tricks can also be taught depending on the dog's stamina, concentration and physical coordination.
Communication is the tool.
What better tool can help owners with their dog training than good communication? It is the owner or the handler's responsibility to communicate to the dog what behaviors are correct, desired or acceptable and what behaviors are undesirable and should be avoided. If the handler/owner cannot communicate with the dog, he will not know that the dog is confused, happy, nervous and so on. The emotional state of the dog is important in Labrador training.
Appropriate training method.
There are various methods in training a dog, the most widely used is the positive training method. This method means using reward to increase good behavior that is being exhibited. Advocates of positive training method believe that this method should be applied rather than punishing a dog physically in the hopes of decreasing bad behavior. But if your dog doesn't respond to positive training quite well, then you should try other training methods.

Richard Cussons has written articles of various breeds including Labrador Retriever. Discover tips on Labrador dog training at labradorsavvy.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Cussons
Dog Obedience Supplies - Essential Ones to Buy
By Grant Davis

Choosing the right dog obedience supplies can help you control your excitable dog, whether you take him to a dog obedience class or try your own had at teaching your pet obedience. Contrary to popular belief, disciplinary items are not the only necessary items for obedience training. There are a wealth of preventative items and encouraging items as well.
For instance, treats are some of the important dog obedience supplies, and they are generally overlooked because people fear that treats are a detriment to obedience training. That is not at all true. In fact, the exact opposite is true. It is important to reward your dog when he goes something right. Treats are the best way to do this. In their own way, dogs are extraordinarily brilliant. It will take your dog very little time to realize that every time you tell him to sit and he does it, he gets a treat. He will quickly come to the conclusion that sitting gets him treats, that staying gets him treats, that heeling gets him treats, and so on.
Collars and leads are also essential dog obedience supplies. Harnesses are preferable over collars, because owners can be firmer when giving orders without worrying about harming or choking the dog. Moreover, harness are more conducive to asserting dominance with your dogs. Of course there are also electronic training collars, in which case a collar is necessary over a harness. There are also anti-bark training collars, which as you may guess teach dogs not to bark when they should not. They are also a means to curb excessive barking.
House breaking aids also key items when it comes to dog obedience supplies. House training a dog can be a very tedious process, but if you go about it the right way, it can be extremely easy. There are potty pads, which can be used not only to teach house training, but also provides a safe place for the dog to go in the house. The general idea behind potty pads and products like them is that you as the owner first train your dog to go on the papers, then gradually move them closer and closer to one or more doors in the house. The dog thus starts going closer to the door to do his business. Ideally, when you eventually remove the potty pads altogether, your dog will start scratching around the door or otherwise signaling that he needs to go outside and do his business.

If you need more information about dog supplies visit our Internet store where we also have a section on dog obedience products.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grant_Davis