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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dog Training - Simplified

By Cary Benjamin
The benefits of being a dog owner a huge, and if you're a dog owner, I'm absolutely positive you already know this. Unfortunately, the biggest difficulties faced by dog owners are usually dealing with disobedient dogs. It can lead to some harsh feelings between owner and dog, create stress in the owner, family and friends. Fortunately, it can all be avoided and a loving, long lasting relationship can be cultured with some very simple techniques.
If someone were to sum up dog training into a very quick summary, it would be to treat the dog as a person, instead of like an animal. Even though the animal is born with certain characteristics, behaviors, and instincts that are unchangeable, they are still able to listen to directions, and like humans, be conditioned to react to stimuli in a different manner. Too many people look at instincts and behaviors as unchangeable aspects of a dog, but instead, they're usually just responses to a certain situation.
Instead of searching for a toy, whistle, special signal, collar, or anything else along those lines, start searching for the reason the dog is doing what they're doing, then start looking at what your response is to that cause.
For instance, if a dog jumps up on you, they're doing it because they want attention. Too many dog owners just don't think about it that way. Then, look at how that action is rewarded. Is the dog rewarded with more attention, reinforcing the action? I would be willing to bet it is. Instead, bring the dog down (or let them come down themselves), then give them attention after they are down. In no time, the dog will stop jumping up.

To find more useful tips on how to quickly train your dog to listen to anything they say, Click Here.
Discover how a revolutionary dog trainer used a breakthrough dog training method to quickly calm 2 ex-fight dogs! Visit
http://www.dogobediencesystem.com and see for yourself how you can use this exact same system to get your dog to listen to your every word.
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